Scoozer – Shop & Ride On Demand!

Scoozer is a 4-wheel 2-seat electric scooter that’s perfect for a day at the mall whether you need to move from one store to another, store your shopping bags, take a break from shopping, or just enjoy the ride with your company.

Scoozer is targeting shoppers in the mall to provide convenient and entertaining transportation mediums making their experience day at the mall memorable.




Mobile app and website

My role

Branding & UI design


VisionX Partners


Many shoppers, such as senior citizens, those with physical disabilities, and parents with children, often find it difficult to maneuver with their shopping bags through the bustling corridors of the large shopping mall. They would benefit greatly from the assistance of a vehicle or a helping hand.


We will provide scooters to make the shopping experience easier and more memorable for our customers. Customers can easily rent a scooter using our dedicated mobile app, and after payment, they can use the scooter as much as they desire. Once they have completed their shopping, customers must return the scooter to its original location.


A significant number of users struggle to ride scooters in a mall because they do not know how to ride scooter, and more importantly, they do not know how to connect the app with the scooter. Moreover, some users have been found to exceed the recommended speed limit while riding the scooter, and they are also not returning the scooter to the designated drop-off area.


We have devised a solution. We will provide everyone with a basic understanding of how to ride a scooter. To ensure safety, we have added visual instructions to guide users on how to use the app and connect with the scooter. Additionally, we will include terms and conditions that outline any compensation that may be provided to the user of the scooter. Users can also learn everything they need to know from the staff member in the rental booth.

About the project images


I collaborated with the primary stakeholders, product manager, and core UX team to research user behaviours and needs. Based on our findings and business goals, we proposed a user flow and wireframes that accurately reflected our research. I refined the user flow and wireframes to meet the users’ needs and finalised the design.

Contributions for Scoozer

Defining the Problem

Since we are looking to provide a scooter rental service in a shopping mall, we need an app to facilitate the operation. As the scooters are electric, we can easily connect them with our dedicated app.

Design Opportunity

We need to design an app to operate and manage the scooters. When it comes to design, we should prioritise simplicity, so that users can take advantage of the scooter with the app effortlessly. Additionally, we should design a website that allows everyone to access a variety of scooter-related information in one convenient location.

But we didn’t start like that

What was our initial Hypothesis

Initially, we planned to create a ride-sharing app similar to Uber and Lyft but with a unique approach. Our focus was on catering to tourists and senior citizens, as well as exploring different types of business models. We have already prepared a rough design using a UI kit.

Initial idea for tourist

Competitive analysis

Initial idea for driver

Competitive analysis

Initial idea for rider

Competitive analysis


We conducted some tests and Facebook ads targeting different customer segments, using various copies and images to gain insights into which business models would be more effective. Additionally, we designed multiple landing pages with varying copies, tracked visitors, and monitored their activities. After analyzing the data, we found that the previously chosen business model was not the most viable for us. Therefore, we decided to pivot and go with another business model

How did we start again

1/10. Users

Parents with children

Parents with children

Senior citizen

Senior citizen

Situational disabled person

Situational disabled person

2/10. Research


1. Creating an excellent user experience for all users.
2. Identifying user pain points and understanding their needs.
3. Analysing the optimal location to provide our services.
4. Ensuring user safety and security during rides.
5. Implementing measures to prevent unwanted experiences with our scooters.
5. Setting reasonable and profitable pricing.
6. Develop strategies to attract and educate potential customers about our services.



1. Conducted unmoderated interviews with specific open-ended questions
2. Allotted 10 minutes for each interview
3. Conducted interviews in 4-5 different locations to find potential users
4. Performed competitive analysis to better understand the market
5. Recorded the interviews for future reference

3/10. Brainstorming

We focused on designing a user-friendly flow for the app that would allow users to easily experience our 4-wheel scooter. We brainstormed and created a user flow for the app, which we then used to create a wireframe. Additionally, we discussed the color and font styles that would make the app enjoyable and easy to use. We also prioritised safety issues that users may face and security for the scooters.

4/10. User flow

1st iteration


In the initial phase, we added an option for users to reserve scooters for 15 minutes to avoid waiting for one to become available. However, after careful consideration and analyzing user data, we have decided to remove the reservation feature. We found that very few users used this feature after 1500 rides and preferred to book scooters instantly.

2nd iteration

What we did

We removed the reservation feature from the app flow and moved the input for scooter ID before the time selection. We also added a pause and resume option in the flow. After that, we incorporated a payment flow and settings feature. Within the settings feature, we included a few essential sub-features such as account management, ride history, and a guide on how to use the app.

Final observation

Users are now able to easily find the best option for their needs without any confusion. They simply open the app, input the scooter ID, and start the ride. Additionally, they can pause and resume the ride as needed, for instance, when they stop to do some shopping. After completing the ride, they park the scooter in a designated location and provide feedback about their experience.

5/10. Wireframes


6/10. Branding

Initial logo
Final logo

7/10. App design v1

App design v1


We initially struggled to find the best way to present information about the scooter, including its battery level, ID, estimated ride duration, and current location. We also noticed that the button size was not optimal for all users.

After identifying these issues, we worked to improve the user experience and successfully resolved these problems.

Scoozer in parked
Home (After click on the scooter icon)
Riding with child

8/10. Final app design (Key moments)

Final app design (Key moments)
All app screens

9/10. App store preview

App store preview

10/10. Website design



1. We offered $29 for a day pass.
2. We offered $10 off for using the mobile app.
3. We decided to fix the per minute for $0.35.
4. After a year we increased the pricing to $39 for a day pass.
5. We also offer to use any scooter from any location within their day pass.

What was our business approach

The results


Launched 7 new locations for Scoozer in 2 years.


Tripled the business revenue in 2 years.


Achieved over 5000 rides milestone.