Some of my selected works

Scoozer  Mobile app

Renting and driving app for scooter

Designing the Scoozer mobile app targeting senior citizens.
Website design for showcasing the features.
Service is available in 7 cities and has completed over 4000 rides.
Increases business revenue triple in 2 years.
Scoozer Thumbnails Booking Ride Shopping Enjoy USA Texas

Food ordering & delivery platform

Helped to create a campaign website to grab the attention.
Worked on finding a good user flow and presented a wireframe to stakeholders.
Facilitated Website design with a responsive version.
Designed a pitch deck for presenting the idea to stakeholders.
Added customized illustration for make a friendly vibe.
1 Delivery<br />
Food ordering website<br />
Delivery<br />
Fast food

Dream Car Renting Platform

Created user flow for the user and fleet manager.
Involved with the stakeholders and helped them by giving some ideas.
Designed brand identity and style guide.
Revamp the full platform with responsive design including the website and admin panel.
Automobile Prime mobility Car renting platform

UI/UX design exploration